Monday 22nd July 2024

Author: Yagyambar Shrestha

 lokpath  12 May, 2022

Kathmandu Metropolis votes to be counted at Rastriya Sabha Griha

The counting of votes of Kathmandu Metropolis will be held in Rastriya Sabha Griha. Likewise,

 lokpath  12 May, 2022

Night flights to be commenced from Saturday

After the decision of Civil Aviation Association of Nepal to open some airports for 18

 lokpath  12 May, 2022

Bharatpur officials install iron bars for safe vote counting

Election officials in the Bharatpur have installed iron bars besided CCTV Camera to ensure safe

 lokpath  12 May, 2022

Balen’s explanation through social media during the silence period

Independent candidate and popular rapper Balen Shah, running for the post of mayor of Kathmandu

 lokpath  12 May, 2022

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Lumbini on May…

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will pay an official visit to Lumbini on 16 May