Saturday 20th July 2024

Questioning the Move of Oli and Fraternity of Chinese Allies

Published on : 29 December, 2020 2:25 pm

Kathmandu : Split and unification have been common in Nepali political scenario. Though, the clash of Nepal Communist Party at present has risen up many questions in the formation and structure of Nepali communists. The split of the NCP is liable to the ego of the leaders.

The factional split is neither condemnable nor repairable and will never gain such majority, in any of the elections, in the history again if the leaders refuse for radical change understanding the demand of the time. The ego hurts but what hurts more is defamation of nationality.

A surprise attack by Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli on his hecklers in the party on Dec-20, 2020 and schedule of elections in two phases on April 30 and May 10 next year by dissolving the parliament is irremediable and cannot be forgiven.

With his intra-party tussle, his whimsical, and cynical unconstitutional move Nepali Sovereignty is at risk. His ultra nationalistic hide ends here with the slaughter of his own dream of ‘Happy Nepali Prosperous Nepal’ and we cannot expect a better move from him right now since he is guided by the swine-headed scoundrels. His claim of returning people’s rights and independence is no more than a caprice.

Playing over the sentiment of people in the name of nationalism, liberation, democracy, and inclusiveness will turn fatal in the long run. Time will come to judge his autocratic step. Our aspiration of consistent political order is again dismantled by egocentric, short sighted politicians. A team of senior officials of the Communist Party of China led by Guo Yezhou, vice-minister of the international department, paid visit with the note of Xi Jinping to keep the Nepal Communist Party unites and again make the two rival factions of ruling party merge again forgetting their envy to each other.

This solidarity shown by the Chinese neighbor at this crucial hour is the best epitome of fraternity and neighborly goodwill. But our leaders, who are expert pretenders, are never serious about their misconducts. China, with its non interference policy to Nepal, is always supportive to Nepal and shows its concern for its neighbor’s political stability and national development.

It always believes that Nepal can handle overall situation appropriately. The desperate attempt to keep NCP united by our faithful ally may be underscored with KP Oli’s intolerance; non-compromise, and reverie. It is really a misguided narration and ridiculous opinion to twist the story saying that intra-party colleagues did not support ruling the government.

This is no more than a fabrication of falsehood. The situation has gone beyond refurbish and no one can fetch the elixir to revive the dying situation until and unless Oli compromises with his transgression.

  • Bhoj Kumar Dhamala has M.Phil degree in South Asian Studies and does freelancing, and interested in political writing.

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