Thursday 13th March 2025

Is it Tough to be in Silence in the Louder World?

Published on : 25 May, 2021 5:07 pm

Rajan Sharma Sapkota : Here is something that hit me recently for the writing. For a long time, I had a certain idea about what makes an introvert or an extrovert. I had always thought that it works something like, extroversion relates to how outgoing someone is and introversion is the same as being shy. The main reason for my internal hit was- ‘I even was clustered under introvert’. My mother used to say, he is not like his sisters, he is so shy.
Being shy is an introvert and being free-frank is an extrovert in nature. That was a kind of my general perception. And most of us think the same. Doing just a little bit of reading made it clear very quickly that my thinking was way off. People generally make sense like shy for the former and talkative for the later one.

In this writing, I have tried to put my orientation on human nature and fundamental dispositions and characteristics including ways of thinking, feeling, and acting that humans are said to have natural being. In most of the literature, the term, ‘Human Nature” is often used to denote the essence of humankind, or what it means to be human.Arguments about human nature have been a central focus of philosophy for centuries and the concept continues to provoke lively philosophical debate for a long time. Now it is a discipline under psychology. Discussions, regarding human nature, are typically related to those regarding the comparative importance of genes and environment in human development i.e. the concept between nature and nurture. The illustration is- I have my nature like my father and my son even posses the same as I was. Is not that gene specific character shaped with the genetic materials blended with environmental attributes?

Even from my children, I have a little exposure on how nurturing shapes human in the personality traits. My daughter had an informal kid’s school in her childhood, she has a bit of extraversion on her. And my small son has very formal types of school that posses dos and don’ts in every manner, now he has a bit introversion on his traits. Generally, he does not give a pose in a photograph and does not speak to his well-known relatives on video chats. When we call, he runs with BOLDINA. That is not my genetic material, that is how we are nurturing human.

Various theorists claim to have yielded insight into human nature. It is traditionally contrasted with human attributes that vary among societies, such as those associated with specific cultures, environment and regions too. As we go an archetypical reading- Aristotle made some of the most famous and influential statements about human nature. In his works, apart from using a similar scheme of a divided human soul, some clear statements about human nature are made. He has stated that man is a conjugal animal – an animal that is born to be a couple in adulthood. In doing so, man builds a household and, in more successful cases, a clan or small village that runs upon patriarchal lines.
Furthermore he says, man is a political animal- an animal with an innate propensity to develop more complex communities (i.e. the size of a city or town), with systems of law-making and a division of labor. This type of community is different in kind from a large family and requires the special use of human reason.

Finally he states – man is a mimetic animal who loves to use his imagination, and not only to make laws and run town councils but enjoy looking at accurate likenesses of things which are themselves painful to see, obscene beasts, for instance, and corpses.… the reason why we enjoy seeing likenesses is that, as we look, we learn and infer what each is.
Last time I took a personality test, I was smack-bang in the middle: 49% extroverted, 51% introverted. It’s hard to get more middle ground than that! If you’re curious, you can try this quiz to see where you fit on the scale. I have pasted the URL link at the end.

Even after that assessment I had more spirit on the personality traits. From that time I had so many childish questions for why and how. Some Listen more. Some have smart ideas to put the limit into the big. Some are inherently talent but speak less. Not only in our culture in all cases in all areas, we can see different personality traits. While reading this article you might even have grouped you in either introvert or in extrovert. No formal assessment is required. We can examine our personality. None knows you more than you.

We should have the power to listen others. It is not an easy job. Sometimes it is guided with our status quo, job nature, or our environment of life cultivation, biological factors and they come with a genetic component. Sometimes you might have heard -I am exactly like my father, since he has high introvertism or extrovertism. Two twins generally have the same human personality. It shows that it is even genetic distribution to the generation.

Some time we might have the question, who wins between these personalities. Who shout the loudest wins is the probable answer. Some says, in reality the silence wins. It wins in qualitativesense. It wins with deeper life meaning. Loudness is the explosion and silence is the poison (here I mean for the deep effect).

The traits of extroversion and introversion are a central dimension in some human personality theories. Psychologist Carl Jung, states that extraversion tends to be manifested in outgoing, talkative, energetic behavior, whereas introversion is manifested in more reflective and reserved behavior. He defines introversion as an “attitude-type characterized by orientation in life through subjective psychic contents”, and extraversion as “an attitude-type characterized by concentration of interest on the external object”.

Extraversion and introversion are typically viewed as a single continuum, so to be high in one necessitates being low in the other. Psychologists provide a different perspective and suggest that everyone has both an extraverted side and an introverted side, with one being more dominant than the other. What is dominant that is grouped under the particular personality?

Before writing this article I did a little research. I collected ten different names from my surrounding as I have encountered their habits. This is not based on the formal research tools or any question-answer method, but based on my observation of the behavior and tried to get a Meta analysis of day to day affairs. My judgmental selection was that among them five person have more introvertism and five have extrovertism.

Various differences in behavioral characteristics are attributed to extraverts and introverts. From this little research, I came to know that extroverts wear more decorative clothing, whereas introverts prefer practical, comfortable clothes. Extraverts are more likely to prefer more upbeat, conventional, and energetic music than introverts. Personality also influences how people arrange their work areas. In general, extraverts decorate their offices more, keep their doors open, keep extra chairs nearby, and are more likely to put dishes of candy on their desks. They call guest to have lunch, Prefer morning tea with friends. They invite co-workers and encourage interaction. Roughly they have show-up and Right- ‘do it’ nature. They have active mouth and sharp tongue.

Introverts, in contrast, decorate less and tend to arrange their workspace to discourage social interaction. They speak less, receive more. They do not try to put I am OK, I do not know about others concept. They love to listen music,they practice loneliness and might have understood the JEEVAN and JAGAT. They have sharp ears and encoding personality.
My conclusion is like Fleeson and Gallagher’s (2009) study on human personality. I found that extraverts regularly behave in an introverted way but reveal the inner extrovertly. Introverts regularly behave in an extraverted way and while taking someting out are keeping something in. The key feature that distinguishes extroverts and introverts was that extroverts tend to act moderately extraverted about a little more often than introverts. From this perspective, extroverts and introverts are not “fundamentally different”. It is the psychological and psycho-social path that shows how a person reacts to the situation i.e. externally or internally.

Since introverts and extroverts are the extremes of the scale, the rest of us fall somewhere in the middle. Many of us lean one way or the other, but there are some who are quite balanced between the two tendencies. These people are called ambiverts.

If we looked at how most of us operated, we would never be on either spectrum of the scale of something good or just reverse bad. It’d be much more likely that we are somewhere in the middle like Ambivert personality. It is in the middle of extrovort and introvert. Most of we fall in this nature. Do you agree?

Whether we fall in this or that or on the- the matter is how we react to the situation. There is no extreme good and extreme bad personality situation. It is just the level in the trails but, it is just the rating on a scale, there is AMBIVERT in between. Where we most of all fall into. We should come out of this thinking as one is bad and the next is good. That is totally way off.

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