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Five banks are issuing bonds worth Rs 9.60 billion

Published on : 12 September, 2020 9:44 am

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Five banks are issuing bonds worth Rs 9.60 billion

According to The Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON), 9.6 million bonds worth Rs 9.60 billion from five banks are in the pipeline for approval. Investors interested in Bond market can enjoy various options in near future.

  1. Siddhartha Bank issue Manager NMB Capital.

Siddhartha Bank is issuing 3 million bonds worth Rs 3 billion for a period of seven years at an interest rate of 8.5 percent. Out of the 3 million bonds to be issued, 1.2 million bonds will be sold to the general public and 1.8 million bonds will be sold to the association.

  1. Everest Bank issue Manager NIBL Ace Capital

Everest Bank is also set to issue one million bonds worth Rs 1 billion for seven years at an interest rate of 10.25 percent. The public will be able to apply for 4 million units of Rs 400 million in Everest bonds, while the bank will sell the remaining 6 million units of Rs 600 million to various organizations and individuals.

  1. Sanima Bank Issue Manager NIC Asia Capital
    Sanima Bank is about to issue 4 million bonds worth Rs 4 billion for 10 years at an interest rate of 10.25 percent. Of the 4 million units that the bank is going to sell, the general public will be able to apply for 1.6 million units and the bank itself will sell 2.4 million units to various organizations and individuals.
  1. NCC Bank Issue Manager Nabil Investment Banking

Nepal Credit and Commerce Bank (NCC) is issuing 3 million bonds worth Rs 3 billion for a period of 10 years with interest rate is 10.25 percent. The general public will offered 1.2 million shares and the bank itself will sell 1.8 million shares to various organizations and individuals.

Investors now can have choice between 8.5 percent interest on Siddhartha Bank Limited, 10.25 percent on Everest Bank Limited, 10.25 percent on Sanima Bank, 10.5 percent on Nepal Credit and Commerce Bank and 10.25 percent on Bank of Kathmandu Limited. Coming days are considered to be exiting for the investors as the lucrative opportunities ahead.

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