Monday 22nd July 2024

“Many” killed in anti-gov’t operations in southern Syria: report

Published on : 27 July, 2020 5:58 pm

DAMASCUS, July 27 (Xinhua) — Explosion and assassination attempts were carried out against the government forces and pro-government people in the country’s southern province of Daraa on Monday, a Britain-based war monitor reported.

In the city of Nawa in the countryside of Daraa, three Syrian soldiers were killed and five others wounded when an explosive device ripped through their vehicles, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

In another incident, unknown armed men stormed a house of an ex-rebel commander in the city of Sanamain in the countryside of Daraa, and opened fire, killing five former rebel commanders who had reconciled with the Syrian army.

Also, a cooperator with the Lebanese Hezbollah group, which is an ally with the Syrian government, was killed in his house in the village of Harak in the Daraa countryside, according to the observatory. It has been reporting anti-government sentiment and operations in Daraa, which is the birthplace of the more than nine-year-long war in Syria.

A total of 589 assassination attempts and attacks have been carried out since June in Daraa, said the observatory, adding that 393 people have been killed, including civilians, Syrian soldiers, and rebels.

The Syrian army captured Daraa in 2018 following battle and deals for the rebels to flee to Idlib province in northwestern Syria.

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