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Song album with lyrics by PM Oli released

Published on : 6 June, 2020 5:08 pm

A musical album ‘Samridhdha Nepal, Sukhi Nepali (Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali)’ was released in Bhaktapur on Saturday.

The album has songs composed by Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli and other song writers including Ramesh Poudel and Bipin Kiran. Singers Shantiram Rai and Melina Rai have sung PM Oli’s song Swodeshmai Rojgari, Swodeshmai Bas, Rojidaina Prabas (Work in the country, live in the country and do not choose to go abroad for employment).

Badri Pangeni, Melina Rai and Rajesh Payal Rai have sung the songs by National Youth Association’s leader Ramesh Poudel and lyricist Bipin Kiran. Academician Shantiram Rai is the music composer for all the songs of the album.

During the event, Poudel said that the musical album was prepared to advance the initiatives of PM Oli to make the ‘Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali’ and his stance for nationality.

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