Friday 25th October 2024

Journalist tests positive for COVID-19 in State-1

Published on : 16 May, 2020 11:00 am

A journalist has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) in State-1. The infected has been admitted to the Biratnagar-based Koshi COVID Hospital.

The health condition of the journalist is said to be normal. The Udaypur-based journalist is associated with the Kathmandu-based television since around two and half years. The journalist’s throat swab sample testing resulted negative, said Federation of Nepali Journalists ( FNJ), State-1 committee chair Bikram Luintel.

The journalist some days ago had been in Bhulke of Udyapur, one of the ‘hotspots’ of COVID-19, in course of news reporting. Twenty-six journalists underwent PCR test for COVID-19 in Udyapur. The test for Morang and Jhapa-based journalists was likely to begin from today.

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